Friday, August 1, 2008

When a "change in position" is not actually a change in position

Well, it had to happen sooner or later. I cannot say that I am surprised, but I can say that I am happy.

Barack Obama may have a change of heart on off-shore drilling.

Now, compromise is great, and I am glad that he is willing to "compromise". Compromise is good and compromise is needed, and the system should work that way. But what makes me really laugh is that on EVERY liberal blog I have checked on tonight (counting 5 as of this writing), the liberal posters who shouted "no drilling, at all!" at one point are now praising this move, indicating it is not a change of position, a flip-flop, whatever you wish to call it.

So, its official. With very few exceptions, any member of the congregation of the church of Obama will accept anything he says, regardless of a prior position. And they call Republicans and conservatives "goose-steppers" . . . . .

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