Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How a "green" convention is now a little more polluted

While the planning for the Democratic National convention consists of all things "green", it seems the attendees have forgotten what it means to be green.

Perhaps the easiest way to conserve energy and live a more "green" lifestyle is to simply walk or take public transportation. Al Gore preaches it. Democrats preach it. Conservationists and environmentalists preach it. So why are they not living it?

We have already seen Al Gore's hypocrisy exposed. First, his home, then the air-conditioned, running vehicle story, and finally a huge boat for his small family that runs on efficient bio-fuel. Except, ummmm, that fuel is not found at the dock where the boat it (it would have to be trucked in).

And now, we have this- a devastating shortage of gas-guzzling, energy inefficient limousines for the convention in Denver.

The Democratic Party slogan: DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO

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