Friday, April 4, 2008

All the troops must go, except, well, maybe for a few

One of the biggest differences between the Republican nominee and the two Democrat candidates has been over the troop presence in Iraq. Both Clinton and Obama (see also here and here) have rallied their supporters into a furor by stating all the troops will be out of Iraq right after the election.

Except Obama does not really mean that.

Or maybe he does mean it, but not really like he says during his speeches.

But lets give him a break. After all, Clinton cannot guarantee it either.

Now mind you, this is just one person on his campaign staff. After all, there have been no other examples of campaign staffers for the Democrats making comments that the candidate did not endorse? That never happens, right?

But back to the topic at hand. If the polling data is correct and the American public is as opposed to the war as liberals claim they are, then why can one not stick to a troop withdrawal strategy?

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