Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A look at myself on a more personal level

I wanted to take a minute to thank a few of the readers who have happened to comment on my blog's content, while commenting on that site. For some reason, one of them could not leave a comment on here, which I thought was odd. So, I tested, and it allows me to comment, so hopefully that will end the issue and the comments can move forward.

Another commenter indicated I should do more local stories. I have a few in the works, but as I told him, the issue of unions seems to come up in every one since this is a union-run town, so I get tired of them. However, I do have a few that will be done over the next few days. He also said to discuss more of what I sometimes refer to as "liberal talking points" and self-critique. I don't see what's the issue in posing my side and letting the other side speak for itself, but it's food for thought. In any event, thanks again.

Now, for a daily rant. My better half has had some issues with her company's health insurance offerings, so she is joining me on my insurance. It has been a nightmare getting the right paperwork to submit to my company, and I am hoping they don't nail me for her having an "option" of other insurance, since she chose not to keep her coverage. My insurance coverage is fine and I am happy with it, but the paperwork is a nightmare. And the kicker- I work for an insurance company.


Anonymous said...

I consider myself a liberal but for some reason am drawn to your just seem like an honest person stating facts as you see them. I like that and respect you for it.
Have a good one--

A Liberal With an Open Mind

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'm not a big Bush fan, but when I see HUFFPOST members commenting on how he caused a mine to collapse, and a bridge to implode, I often wonder if dandruff and athletes feet are next...ridiculous....!

Anonymous said...



Is their any concern regarding the recent Conservative POV there may be a police state in the works?

By ex-Reagan officials -

Just wondering?

Anonymous said...

OK - all better now. Test complete.

If you get off your attack mode we can achieve something useful.

Real American Liberals, Progressives and Conservatives are really not that far apart in the global political spectrum and you must agree that our country is off-course?

First, you must agree with this observation that the Bush/Cheney administration is not entirely pro-American? Since they've renamed America to the Homeland and seem to be more interested in Iraq than Louisiana or Minnesota?

How about an article on that observation?