Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Local- Gay pride parade involvement prompts sexual harassment lawsuit

I had delayed the posting of this story in hopes that there would be further developement in the investigation by the fire department. Unfortunately, bureaucracy- be it government or fire department , moves at a snails pace.

This story deals with harassment of firefighters who participated at the annual San Diego Gay Pride Parade on July 21, 2007. For those who live outside our corner of paradise, San Diego has a large (what I am told, one of the largest) pride parade each year through the University Avenue area of Western San Diego. It gets a lot of coverage and for the most part is a peaceful and fun event for its participants.

I found this story particularly interesting, but not because it deals with the Gay Pride Parade, per se. I am not concerned with the allegations of the fire department pushing a “gay agenda”, as it is the right of the gay community to express themselves, be it a parade or other avenue. I do not know for sure, nor fully believe that the department was pushing any agenda in the first place. This deals with free speech, the appropriate use of government employees and equipment, and sexual harassment of males.

On July 20, four department firefighters (Captain John Ghiotto, engineer Jason Hewett, firefighters Chad Allison and Alex Kane) were told by fire chief Tracy Jarman (via supervisors), that they would be participating in the parade. In previous parade’s, participation was voluntary, but according to John Ghiotto, filling volunteer spots was a tall order. All four indicated they had no desire to participate. They were then faced with a direct order, which they complied with.

The firefighters gave detailed accounts of the vulgar comments and sexual gestures made at them as they drove their engine down the parade route. All felt extremely uncomfortable and did not like the idea of being forced to participate in this event. Since the event, Captain Ghiotto and the other firefighters have filed suit against the city and the department for sexual harassment, putting their careers at risk.

The free speech issue in this case deals with expressive speech, and is quite simple to analyze. A person has a right to express themselves in the manner that they choose, which includes the right not to speak or participate in a voluntary event contrary to their beliefs. What is important to note here is that the men stated that they did not want to participate, yet they were forced to. My issue is not with the event itself, and I do not choose to go so far as their counsel does, by saying this is an attempt to push a “gay agenda” on anyone. What is unacceptable is the forcing of these firefighters to participate against their wishes, by threatening them with discipline, especially since this is a voluntary event.

I heard an interview with fire chief Tracy Jarman on AM 600 KOGO, where she stated that it was normal policy to participate in various parades during the year, but she was silent on the issue of the four men being forced to participate. She did do the right thing by meeting with the firefighters, apologizing to them for what happened and promising an investigation would proceed. She also stated that she intended to change the policy on participation at future events. Only time will tell if this turns out to be the case.

The use of government employees and equipment is bothersome. Why the “normal policy” is to participate in parades is beyond me. There is no need to advertise for the department, and while it is important to show community support, San Diego has serious budget issues that result in shortcomings for the department to begin with. There are no shortages of stories that deal with budget shortcomings, budget issues and various proposals that result in shortages for the department. So why spend money on salary and wear and tear of an engine, just to have a brief presence at a parade? It just does not make sense.

The final issue I find particularly interesting deals with the sexual harassment of men. Not just any men, manly men- firefighters- rough and tough men. Interestingly enough, the talk around town has been mixed. There has been plenty of support for the firefighters, but a lot of people are asking what the big deal is. Why can’t they just let it roll off their shoulders? I wonder a couple of things as I write. What if this was a woman complaining? Second, what if a gay participant in the event complained of harassment? Would the comments and opinions be different? My position is simple: it does not matter who is harassed. Sexual harassment cuts both ways, for men and women. What a man does for a living is irrelevant.

More to come on this story as the case unfolds . . .


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. Harrassment is harrassment regardless of a person's gender or occupation.

The lack of consent to participate and the use of city equipment does not bode well either.

But the worst thing is precedence.

It now appears that Chief Jarman's memory is as bad as her judgement.

While claiming to the media that there has never been a problem before, a memo has surfaced which reveals the contrary.

It seems that a FEMALE fire captain COMPLAINED ABOUT LAST YEAR'S PRIDE PARADE through the official channels that she had received not only complaints from her crew about harrassment, but also received "harrassing sexually explicit material" on the doorstep of the fire station as a result of being in the parade.

So she suggested to the department LAST YEAR that in the future they use off duty or volunteer personnel with out of service vehicles in order to avoid unwanted attention or sexually explicit brochures sent to the workplace.

The actual document is linked below.
The reporting source is

So even though this exact situation has happened before, the fire chief chose to ignore the female captain's written complaint and announce to the media that there had never been a complaint before and that those firemen could have 'stepped up to the plate' for this 'really fun event'.

So really these firemen have no choice but to sue. If the City is smart, they will not only apologize and pay up, they will replace this fire chief immediately.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Anonymous said...


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