Friday, January 30, 2009

Meet Tom Daschle, tax cheat

We have officially entered the era of "b b b b b but Bush . . .". In less than 2 weeks, we have seen two tax cheats, two lobbyists, and a slew of other Obama cabinet and other position nominees with plenty of baggage, be called on to be the new leaders of the era of change.

The latest? Tom Daschle, former Senator and now consultant and chairperson for an evil corporation with un-reported income due to having a car and driver at his service, day and night.

And what happens when these hypocrites are exposed for who they are? The left seems to be ok with them. Why? Because there is always a double standard when it comes to someone on the other side of the isle.

However, it gets worse. As I spent my lunch hour and some time this evening browsing my usual online blogs and news sites, most of the comments I saw from supporters of Obama and his administration of "change" can be boiled down to the following:

1. It's an honest mistake. After all, how can a Senator possibly know when he is supposed to pay taxes for services he uses?
2. Just because he fixed the problem after he received notice he was being considered for a position does not mean he did not intend on fixing the problem in the first place.
3. The mistakes that are made by these candidates are not a true reflection of their character.
4. Bush was worse! Bush's picks were worse! They were all criminals, and murderers. Oh, and they started an illegal war!

How about picking someone who is 1. qualified, 2. an honest person, and 3. not someone who is beholden to all that is wrong with politics? That would be change we can believe in.

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