Thursday, June 26, 2008

Keith Olbermann is an idiot

When it comes to "heroes" according to the left, Keith Olbermann is right up near the top with his half-baked analysis of politics and his "worst person" (cue scary music) segment. Despite an elitist attitude and odd love for ketchup packets, the left is quick to dismiss any negative story about him as a smear tactic, and they flock to his spoken word like moths to a flame.

But when does his hard hitting analysis of events in our world demonstrate the hack he really is?
Answer- When he bashes the Bush administration for their position on a topic, then supports Obama when he supports the same thing. When I read this story today, it made me laugh at loud. I remember some of the broadcast earlier this year and was surprised at how boldly he called the Bush administration a bunch of fascists. Yet, when the beloved beacon of the left, Barack Obama supports similar legislature, it is a bold move.

Hypocrisy, they name is Olbermann.

1 comment:

Carsten a.k.a. Roy/SAC said...

Suggested reading to understand the context of the video referred to in the second part of your post. (especially segment three of the long post)

and this video

Interesting, isn't it? It makes things look very different now, right?

Filtered facts make up the best lies, because you don't have to lie about the facts itself and only have to leave out relevant facts to give the wrong impression to the people you are trying to convince about something that is not true.

I don't accuse you of doing it intentionally, but unfortunately is the result the same, regardless if you intentionally wanted it or if you did not and it just happened by mistake.
