Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Not all workers are really injured . . .

Worker's Compensation issues take up the bulk of my work and free time these days. I am always fascinated when I read about injured workers who receive thousands of dollars of treatment and money for living expenses, only to wind up being declared a complete disaster medically. Then, a settlement is proposed and arranged and miracle of miracles, they are able to go right back to work doing the same occupation they were doing before, despite a supposed reputable doctor indicating they could not possibly do the work again, hence the need for a large cash settlement.

I am real big on prosecuting Worker's Compensation fraud. Unfortunately, despite their being rampant fraud in the system, most cases never make it to a prosecutor's desk, because there are so many cases to pick and choose from. Therefore, I will take the next best thing: being caught red-handed and having the perpetrator's case thrown out.

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