Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A challenge with no response from QBear

Last week, I was addressing a story pertaining to Mitt Romney's upcoming speech on his faith and how it will fit with his political aspirations and decisions, should he become president. For whatever reason, Romney feels the need to place his private beliefs in the public limelight, similar to JFK, when he spoke about being a Catholic and President. I note that the JFK advisory team kept this issue out of the limelight, save for this speech, however Romney appears to be held to a different standard. Anyway, I digress . . .

I answered a few questions posted by user "QBear", who had lots of time to cut and paste articles written about the Mormon faith and portions of quotes from Church officials, in an attempt to cast the Mormon faith in a bad light. He was implying that the church was false and secrative. I challenged him to send me any question he wanted, and that I would not only answer the question and debate it with him, but I would also post our email conversation(s), unedited (save for profanity or personal names/information), for anyone to see.

As of now, he has not sent me a question or email. Will he step up to the challenge, or remain in the shadows, coming out only to take cheap shots at Republican candidates and conservatives in general?


Unknown said...

I posted the questions on Huffington Post where you challenged me.
Did the LDS church publish a pamphlet for young men, written by Packer which condones gay-bashing?

Did Brigham Young say Black Skin and a Flat Nose was the Mark of Cain, placed on the decendents of the first murder?

Did Mormon male elders order Mormon women to get on buses and direct them to oppose the ERA?


Unknown said...

You neglected to mention I was blessed Mormon at birth raised by a Mormon mother who converted when I was 4yo. and have 30 households of Mormon relatives in both Salt Lake City and Las Vegas...none of these regular Mormons have any problem loving and respecting me as an openly gay man. My fight is with the LDS elders, not individual Mormons.

Unknown said...

You challenged me on another forum and said you would ANSWER!


btw. you might answer what Mormons teach about lying. Was Romney lying to Gays/Lesbians in MA when he said, "he would be better on Gay Rights than Ted Kennedy, and printed a special flyer wishing Gays a great Pride weekend, or is he LYING NOW?

Unknown said...

Yo' do you ever read your own blog?

doesn't look like many others read it either....oh well.

Unknown said...


why do you have this site you don't check for WEEKS?

The San Diego Conservative said...

QBear. There were some serious issues with this site, and as I mentioned back in December on, there was a server issue. But I did answer your questions via the email you left. Do you want me to post them on here?

And I was not aware of your prior LDS church involvement. Not that it would have changed my answers any.