Thursday, September 20, 2007

Billionaires and those who blabber

I picked up this story off a liberal blog today and found it again under a few other sites. The comments were largely the same on each site. It's "obscene", the money is earned all on the "backs of the poor and middle class", they need to be more heavily taxed, beyond the normal obligations, too little charity, undeserving, and the usual "corporations are bad" talk. It never ceases to amaze me how some people do not live in reality.

With few exceptions, the people on this list had some innovative idea or creation, and they ran with it and made something of value. Through hard work and determination, they built their product into a business and became successful, exactly how capitalism works. They used the principles America was based on, and became a success using their own sweat and blood.

Many of the other names became educated in modern economics, be it in the classroom or trial and error. They played the market correctly, and developed a keen sense and understanding of the economy and business in America and in markets throughout the world.

Yet the sites I visited treats them as villans because of their success. I never understand this position. They harp on the success and say it is because of some travesty on the poor and middle class. This is not always the case, in fact, its probably rarely the case, yet you would never know that by reading some of the hateful things.

There is a lot more I could say, but I will wait for comments, if any.

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