Monday, August 6, 2007

HEADLINE: Bush causes mine collapse

I was reading about the tragic Crandall Canyon mine collapse today in the Manti-La Sal National Forest, Utah. Six coal-miners are trapped below 1,500 feet of earth and rubble. As rescuers make valiant efforts to save these poor coal miners, many of the the liberals of this country are busy blaming Bush for these recent tragedy.

They started in with the "Big Coal" comments on, then made reference to the Sago mine tragedy, then boldly announced how he has done "nothing". I engaged one of the bloggers, as did another commenter, and asked for proof of this assertion. The comeback was typical- no evidence, just comments that other moonbats would agree to. I then gave them this article to read, which says the exact opposite. The response: an AFL-CIO website which says safety programs allocated in the budget are not enough.

Yes, that's right. Have you ever heard of a labor website that says any money budgeted to their program is sufficient? That was the "great" proof.

Remember- if it's bad, Bush is to blame. If there is no way to blame him, it's the fault of "Big Coal/Oil/Corporation/insert your choice here".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bush causes mine collapse?

I think you are exaggerating here. Just a bit?

More like greedy mine operators dig for coal in a active fault zone? And maintain a questionable safety record.