I am sure anyone who reads this will have already had more than their fill of this developing story, but it begs the question, why is everyone treating this story as though it is a life sentence?
I read this article commenting on the minute-by-minute details, including where Paris yelled "it's not fair!" and "Mom", after Judge Sauer (gasp), told her to finish her ORIGINAL jail sentence! Imagine that! The story was complete with her parents holding each other and her Mother crying in her husband's arms.
Read one interpretation here. My favorite line is: Paris Hilton's cool, glamorous image evaporated Friday as she gave the impression of a little girl lost in a merciless legal system.
What amazes me is how people seem to accept Paris as a normal human being. She is completely detached from reality. Here is someone who has never really worked a day in her life, got any "modeling" or "acting" career solely out of who she is and who her Dad is. Don't tell me that any show or shoot she has participated in was back breaking work.
The realy story behind this story is that she does not believe the law applies to her, as do most socialites who do not live in th everyday world. And as a result of this assumption of entitlement and the "I'm special! Look at me!" attitute, she cannot deal with being away from her privileged life for a month and a half. Considering that she will never serve the full 45 days, I highly doubt there is any real "medical" reason why Hilton cannot finish her just imprisonment.
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