Monday, July 20, 2009

Those pesky Democrats and their racism

With the recent Sotomayor confirmation hearings (to oppose her means you are a racist) on top of the usual liberal rants about Republicans and conservatives being racist, we do not often see many stories in the liberal media about a Democrat using inappropriate language or exhibiting racist behavior.

To recap:

Which party was the party of slavery?
Which party was opposed to the civil rights movement at its zenith in the 1960's?
Which party had a prominent Senator who was a former Klansman?

Compare to:

Which party had the first AND second African-American Secretary of State (and a female to boot)?
Which party nominated the first Hispanic Attorney General?
Which party had the first African-American Senator?
Which party nominated the only African-American on the Supreme Court bench at this time?

Yet somehow, only Republicans are raaaaaccccciiiiisssssttttt!

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