Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gee, imagine that!

During 2005's winter season, I heard nothing but praise for Hugo Chavez and his offer of heating oil to the United States.

He is such a great leader!
He offers a true Democracy!
He is so much better than Bush!

Then he closed down an opposition station, (see hugo chavez and venezuela labels) and the defenses rolled in.

They wanted him dead and said so on the air!
He's not really limiting speech!

And now we have this- a referendum which will allow him to run for re-election indefinitely. Oh, and lets not forget his expanded powers, which include control of the central bank, redistricting at his own whim, and holding citizens without charge during an emergency. Does any of this sound familiar? Hmmmm, yes! I have heard these items are things (actual or very similar) which the "evil" George Bush has already done, or is trying to do.

I did not see any updates or stories on yet, but they will likely post it (late of course). I did not see a report on CNN. I did not find it on yet. I have not seen anything on the major newspapers, from what I have been able to find (or not to find). Perhaps there are some reports out there. After all, not all journalists are completely biased.

Oh, and the kicker. He threatens to cut off oil to the United States if there is any "interference" on their part. Guess all those Northeastern residents of the U.S. will have to freeze this year, now that the liberal-loved Chavez is no longer looking like such a nice guy.

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