Friday, June 29, 2007

Just when you thought you heard it all . . .

By now the whole world pretty much knows that the infamous "immigration reform bill of 2007" (a.k.a. Bush/Kennedy bill of 2007) is now dead in the water. This was covered so much, that I decided not to really hit on it in the blog world. But I read a small article today that made me chuckle, so here it is in all of its glory.

In an article seen here, L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa was incredibly disappointed, saying that "Our elected leaders -- people who are supposed to stand up on behalf of Americans -- were bullied by a small contingent of hate-mongering anti- immigrants completely unrepresentative of the larger American public, which continues to call for just, humane and effective solutions." He also said that 70% of Americans supported the legislature. This, despite poll after poll after poll (you get the point) stating otherwise.

He was probably reading another brilliantly drafted LA Times poll to distort the real views of the American people.

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