Saturday, August 30, 2008
Barack Obama v. Sarah Palin
I started to put together something similar to this comparison on Obama and Palin. Excellent review.
The left, and Palin, unhinged, part 1
This is what it has come down to: An interview with Amy Gwin, who was a beauty pageant contestant against Sarah Palin in 1984. Guess what? She would not vote for Sarah Palin!
Wow! Talk about hard-hitting journalism, brought to you by the fools at DailyKos.
And to think this is only the first day since the announcement she was the VP pick for McCain.
Wow! Talk about hard-hitting journalism, brought to you by the fools at DailyKos.
And to think this is only the first day since the announcement she was the VP pick for McCain.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Why Democrats are afraid of Sarah Palin

This is why I love election season. It's a chance for real review and debate of the identity and ideas of the major parties, with a few of the smaller parties thrown in the mix. The season is meant to represent the best of both parties, and for hope for the future. And like every season since I became interested in politics (that would be 1992, my freshman year in high school), the Democrat party is beat by clever campaigning, and ceaseless attacks on the issues Democrats want to hide. And their response is the same each time: "We won't engage in personal attacks!" (until we are behind). "We will show that we are the party for the little guy" (until the true colors of lear-jet liberals are exposed). "We will show how much better we are for the country" (until the votes are counted, and the result states otherwise).
With the pick of Sarah Palin, the Democratic party finds themselves scrambling for an answer. She is a dark-horse. A relative unknown. And certainly not the candidate the Democrats expected. So what to do now? Attack her with everything she has ever done, no matter if it is right or not, and put some SPIN on that baby!
With all that will be heard in the next few months about this obviously fearsome creature, I will provide you with what I believe are the main points that strike fear into the hearts of liberals across the country. I have ordered them in what I believe is the order of their greatest to least fears.
She is a woman- Gone are the days of the Republican party as the party of "rich, white men". Here stands a woman in position to run the country, in the event McCain is unable to, which some think is a distinct possibility. I found it interesting that on the multiple liberal sites I visit every day, most of the commenting public who supported Hillary Clinton as a candidate are opposed to this selection. This will be discussed below. Palin represents a very important voting bloc- moderate women.
She is a mother- Liberals believe a mother is something to be admired when it represents their view of them- a victim, a helpless human, someone to be pitied, a single mother. This could not be farther from the truth! Women do not embody the sad picture liberals want them to be, so why see them this way? A victim makes for good commercials and lots of expensive government programs, and who better to choose than what liberals view as the weaker sex?
When a woman is strong, independent, but holds conservative values, the fact that she is also a mother takes the words "elitist", "uncaring", and "weak" right out of the picture. Which takes most of their personal attack arguments away as well. Mothers are still revered by most of the country, and that strikes fear into the black heart of the typical liberal.
She embodies the true definition of "feminism"- This will be explained here and elsewhere. To libs, a feminist is a woman who is a working professional, possibly a mother, independent, and a Democrat. A real feminist is a woman who is what she wants to be. Sarah Palin embodies this. She is a leader, a strong person, and a mother at the same time. She embodies what liberals love in themselves and hate in conservatives. Ironically enough, they love and hate for the same reason.
She is a working mother- Multi-tasking can be mighty scary! Especially when a woman can be a mother and politician at the same time. Palin is described as a "hockey-mom", which makes her a "normal" Mother and not the elitist snob title that Cindy McCain is pegged with.
She is the mother of multiple children, including a son diagnosed with Down Syndrome- Not only can she handle a child and a career, she can handle 5 children. And the fact that one of them has a disability is a disaster for the liberal side. She elected to carry the baby to term and not go the easy way out like the abortion-loving crowd would have her do. And now, "motherly" takes on a whole new meaning. I just wonder if Barack Obama considers her baby "punishment".
She has a son in the military- One of the oldest and most tired arguments I hear is when someone is in favor of war or aggression, their children MUST serve. I never understood this argument and I believe I discussed it in a much earlier post on this blog. Children who are eligible to serve are grown adults who can make their own decisions. And when was the last time you knew someone who was a true, independent adult who patterned their life based on their parents orders in EVERY way?
I also have noted before that Chelsea Clinton was eligible to serve during Operation Desert Fox and Operation Allied Force. Why was her service not discussed during this time? Oh, that's right! Because it was the child of a Democrat! It's just more of the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do Democrat mantra.
Democrats cannot make an issue out of this with McCain's children and now they cannot make an issue out of it with Palin's.
She lacks a lot of experience- To some, this is a big disadvantage and I laugh that Democrats have already made this an issue, saying Palin is too inexperienced to be a "heartbeat away" from the Presidency. But I say its an advantage for two reasons.
First, if they are going to play that game, it opens their candidate (who, by the way is running for PRESIDENT) up to the lack of experience debate that he has been trying to avoid. What qualifies Obama to run? He has some state legislature experience, but most of that was spent campaigning for his Senate seat. Most of his Senate time has been spent campaigning for President. Despite the supposed qualifications he has, I have yet to see concrete evidence. Instead, what I see is a lot of attempts to hide his past experiences (see Bill Ayres and most of his time spent as a Law School Professor).
Second, it gives Democrats little to scrutinize, though they are doing their best. But most of the general public who actually pays attention to elections and votes already knows that no matter what a conservative does or says, it is the wrong thing. No matter what their position, it will be spun into something negative. Which is why men like T. Boone Pickens are scrutinized for taking a position on becoming a "greener" nation, despite the calls from the left. Which is why a pro-choice conservative is considered a sell-out, despite the calls from the left to be pro-choice. The list is endless.
She does not embody the spirit of the typical "politician"- As I have stated above, she is not the typical career politician. She does not look like one, nor does she act like one. For a great reference of the other end of the spectrum, see Joe Biden.
She is attractive- Attractive means the stupid jokes about looks won't work. If you don't think this is really an issue, then ask a liberal what they think of Rush Limbaugh's comments on Chelsea Clinton's looks. Then look at Hillary Clinton and think of the comparison's that would be made if both were in the running. The side by side pictures would be present ALL THE TIME, which would be devastating to Hillary.
As it stands right now, all they will have to deal with is an attractive woman in her 40's. My guess is you will see Michelle Obama's mug plastered everywhere since she is pretty attractive herself.
She is working-class- This is Barack Obama's best card, and like John McCain's military service card, he uses it often. Joe Biden even gets into the game by discussing his blue-collar roots. John McCain comes from a fairly well-to-do family and Cindy McCain has been attacked since day one over her wealth. However, Palin is working class as well, and it makes the Republican ticket more identifiable to everyday folks.
She is pro-life- Need I really say more?
She is a member of the NRA- See the answer for "pro-life". She can handle a gun and has no regrets about it! I also think it kind of weakens the Democrats argument about gun ownership since Alaska is a rugged area and hunting and shooting game are pretty common.
She is "pro-oil"- Big oil is the ultimate enemy for the left. We all know this. But Palin has an advantage on her side. Oil drilling, production, and distribution is a big part of the Alaskan economy and even Blue-dog Democrats from oil rich states acknowledge that if it is an important part of their economy, then it is not as big of an enemy as the environmentalists would like us to believe. The important question to ask is does it really make sense to not utilize a valuable commodity of the state to benefit its citizens?
In the end, these issues will come into play and the left will try to demonize Sarah Palin anyway they can. But do not think for a second that they are not afraid of this woman.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
So much for free speech
I've said it before and I will say it again . . .
Libs love free speech . . . as long as it shows conservatives in a bad light.
Libs love free speech . . . as long as it shows libs in a favorable light.
For all the griping about how the Bush administration has stomped on the constitution over the last 8 years, I have yet to see any outcry about arresting reporters standing on a public street filming Democrat lobbyists and donors.
Libs love free speech . . . as long as it shows conservatives in a bad light.
Libs love free speech . . . as long as it shows libs in a favorable light.
For all the griping about how the Bush administration has stomped on the constitution over the last 8 years, I have yet to see any outcry about arresting reporters standing on a public street filming Democrat lobbyists and donors.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How a "green" convention is now a little more polluted
While the planning for the Democratic National convention consists of all things "green", it seems the attendees have forgotten what it means to be green.
Perhaps the easiest way to conserve energy and live a more "green" lifestyle is to simply walk or take public transportation. Al Gore preaches it. Democrats preach it. Conservationists and environmentalists preach it. So why are they not living it?
We have already seen Al Gore's hypocrisy exposed. First, his home, then the air-conditioned, running vehicle story, and finally a huge boat for his small family that runs on efficient bio-fuel. Except, ummmm, that fuel is not found at the dock where the boat it (it would have to be trucked in).
And now, we have this- a devastating shortage of gas-guzzling, energy inefficient limousines for the convention in Denver.
The Democratic Party slogan: DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO
Perhaps the easiest way to conserve energy and live a more "green" lifestyle is to simply walk or take public transportation. Al Gore preaches it. Democrats preach it. Conservationists and environmentalists preach it. So why are they not living it?
We have already seen Al Gore's hypocrisy exposed. First, his home, then the air-conditioned, running vehicle story, and finally a huge boat for his small family that runs on efficient bio-fuel. Except, ummmm, that fuel is not found at the dock where the boat it (it would have to be trucked in).
And now, we have this- a devastating shortage of gas-guzzling, energy inefficient limousines for the convention in Denver.
The Democratic Party slogan: DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO
Friday, August 1, 2008
When a "change in position" is not actually a change in position
Well, it had to happen sooner or later. I cannot say that I am surprised, but I can say that I am happy.
Barack Obama may have a change of heart on off-shore drilling.
Now, compromise is great, and I am glad that he is willing to "compromise". Compromise is good and compromise is needed, and the system should work that way. But what makes me really laugh is that on EVERY liberal blog I have checked on tonight (counting 5 as of this writing), the liberal posters who shouted "no drilling, at all!" at one point are now praising this move, indicating it is not a change of position, a flip-flop, whatever you wish to call it.
So, its official. With very few exceptions, any member of the congregation of the church of Obama will accept anything he says, regardless of a prior position. And they call Republicans and conservatives "goose-steppers" . . . . .
Barack Obama may have a change of heart on off-shore drilling.
Now, compromise is great, and I am glad that he is willing to "compromise". Compromise is good and compromise is needed, and the system should work that way. But what makes me really laugh is that on EVERY liberal blog I have checked on tonight (counting 5 as of this writing), the liberal posters who shouted "no drilling, at all!" at one point are now praising this move, indicating it is not a change of position, a flip-flop, whatever you wish to call it.
So, its official. With very few exceptions, any member of the congregation of the church of Obama will accept anything he says, regardless of a prior position. And they call Republicans and conservatives "goose-steppers" . . . . .
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